Deliverables and milestones in the H2020 project
Take a look at your project work plan. There are deliverables and milestones coming up. Let’s take a look at how to best prepare deliverables and record milestones into the system.
But first, what is a deliverable?
Deliverables are project outputs that must be presented to the European Commission within the timeline set in your Grant Agreement. They are submitted to the EC through the online Funding & Tenders platform portal.
As everything happens online there is no need to send any physical document to Brussels.
The online system only accepts PDF documents, so regardless of the deliverable type:
- pictures,
- drawings,
- screenshots,
- video links and so on…
you need to produce a report in PDF format for the EC.
Evaluation of deliverables
An external expert will be assigned to evaluate the project deliverables. This expert will be a specialist in your field, so your deliverables must be high quality.
The interesting thing is that the evaluator will assess your reports only after the reporting period completion. It means that if you submit a deliverable in month 3 of the project, you will receive the evaluator feedback after month 12.
But be careful! This does not mean that you can submit deliverables late. The Project Officer will be checking that the deliverable is uploaded to the system on time!
Practical tips
- There is no specific template for deliverables. The format depends on the topic of your report.
- Remember that you must prepare all deliverables in English.
- You can submit your deliverable only once, and it cannot be withdrawn.
- It’s possible to postpone the deliverable, but you must inform the Project Officer at least two weeks before the deadline.
How about milestones?
Nothing easier. You don’t have to prepare any reports to prove that the milestone is achieved. When the milestone specified in the Grant Agreement is reached, just enter the Funding & Tenders portal, go to “Milestones” tab and click the appropriate milestone checkbox.
If you have any doubts about deliverables, milestones or related subjects, please contact us at hello@getpolite.eu