Time recording in the H2020 SME Instrument

In order to ensure personnel costs are eligible and reimbursed by the EU Commission, beneficiaries must keep reliable time records for the hours worked on the action.

The measuring system must be auditable and justified with sufficient persuasive evidence. This is very important. Failure to keep proper records can lead to the corresponding personnel costs being rejected by the Commission.

For persons who do not work exclusively on the action, the beneficiaries must:

Show the actual hours worked with reliable time records (i.e. timesheets) either on paper or with a computer-based time recording system.
Time records must be dated and signed on a monthly basis by the person working on the action and his/her supervisor.
If the time recording system is computer-based, the signatures may be electronic.

Time records should include, at least:

The title and number of the action as specified in the Grant Agreement.
The beneficiary’s full name as specified in the GA.
The full name, date and signature of the person working on the action.
The number of hours worked on the action in the specified period.
The supervisor’s full name and signature.
A reference to the tasks or work packages of Annex 1 to which the person has contributed the reported working hours.

All information included in the timesheets must match internal records of leaves and work-related travel.

Detailed time records are not obligatory for those who work exclusively on the action. These persons may sign a declaration on exclusive work for the action; however in this case certain conditions must be taken into account.

Would you like to know more about time recording in H2020? Contact hello@getpolite.eu for more information and guidance.
