
What is the Description of the Action (DoA)?

The Grant Agreement is the funding agreement signed between the European Commission and the Beneficiary. It contractually regulates the implementation of the project and specifies important provisions such as criteria for the eligibility of costs, reporting, payments, and deadlines.

The Description of the Action (DoA) is Annex 1 of the Grant Agreement and is a detailed description of how the project will be carried out. It comprises Part A & B and both parts can be edited on the Funding & Tenders Portal.

Part A:

Part A is automatically generated based on the information directly entered on the Funding & Tender portal. Part of the information is already pre-filled with proposal data, while other information needs to be added according to what is written in Part B. Part A contains the following chapters:

  • The cover page includes the general information, such as project number, name, acronym, starting date, duration, and call information.
  • The project summary is a short overall description of the project to give readers a clear idea what the project is about.
  • The list of participants mentions name, role, country, and PIC number of the participants.
  • The list of work packages includes the names, numbers, lead beneficiaries, person-months, start and end months, as well as the deliverables of the work packages. It further includes the objectives and descriptions of each work package.
  • Staff effort is an overview of person-months per work package per participant.
  • The list of deliverables gives an overview of all deliverables, together with the number, name, linked work package, lead beneficiary, type, dissemination level and due date. It further includes a description of the deliverable.
  • The list of milestones mentions the number, name, linked work package, lead beneficiary and due date of the milestone. It also includes the means of verification.
  • The list of critical risks is a table including all risks of the project and the risk management strategy. It includes a description of each risk, the linked work package and a proposed mitigation measure.

Part B:

Part B is the narrative description of the project. For EIC Accelerator Projects, this is the approved Business Plan generated on the EIC AI Platform. It needs to be uploaded as a PDF to the Funding & Tender portal under DOCUMENTS.

If you are looking for more information on the Description of Action or need help during your Grant Agreement preparation phase, please contact us at:
